Great Social Media Idea: Iconic Building Picture Listicle

Sometimes I feature high-brow ideas and elaborate campaigns/videos on this blog, and sometimes I feature (no less important, mind you!) workman-like ideas that provide high-engaging grist for the all-consuming content mill. Today is an idea of the latter variety.

If there's one truth in online content, it's that (despite what they may say) people never, ever seem to get tired of clicking lists. And while they can definitely be overdone, you should never feel hesitant to put one together when you need some fun "snackable" content for your social channels. Because never forget - your continuing mission should always be to post things that your followers actually want to see in their feeds. (Side note: Props to all the nerds who caught the TNG reference.)

Which brings me to this fun listicle from Cal Berkeley, highlighting 11 Times the Campanile Looked Flawless.

I mean... featuring 11 lovely photos of the most iconic building on your campus and putting them together with some sassy headlines on a Medium post? Pretty much guaranteed to generate great engagement, which of course this Cal post did. (Addendum to that FB link - I really like how they posted this in the evening. Seems like the perfect time for light-hearted content like this, when people are relaxing at home and checking Facebook more for fun than for news.)

This is a perfect idea to steal when you are having one of those days where you can't think of anything to post!

Friday Five: Broken Hand Edition

Friday Five: Broken Hand Edition

Great Social Media Idea: A Tasty Video from Webster

Great Social Media Idea: A Tasty Video from Webster