Great Social Media Idea: Boston's College video

Great Social Media Idea: Boston's College video

A bit of business before getting to the good stuff... as I'm sure you've noticed by now, the blog has been redesigned. I'm hopeful that it will end up being a lot more user friendly for readers and allow everyone to more easily find what you're looking for, but if you are experiencing any problems, please let me know. And please bear with me as I work out the kinks.

Now, onto today's great social media idea... a terrific video from Boston College with the perfect (and slightly punny!) title of Boston's College:

Pretty darn rad, right? And Boston College's audience responded... it's pushing 150,000 views on Facebook (I know, I know... FB views are crazy inflated, but still!) and several thousand likes/comments/shares. Clearly, this video struck a chord.

Why? Not only is it beautifully shot with some really great color work, it also does the wonderful thing of showing how the "town" is an integral part of the "gown"... and how the gown is just as important for the town. Colleges and the cities they are located in grow together and shape each other, establishing a special bond that can result in a lot of pride in both directions... and, of course, a lot of cranky neighbors on Friday and Saturday nights. 

Students and alumni often become very emotionally attached to the city where their college is located. Even towns that are considered maybe not so fantastic to live in. And since social media is at its best when it taps into strong emotions, it's no surprise that Boston College's audience responded to positively to a video that showcases the city's connection with the college, and vice versa.

Good stuff, BC!

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